LAST UPDATE 11/30/2008 10:06 AM Central
There's Something Fishie about this Blog!!! Certifiably NUTS!!!!!!!!! |
Questions can be emailed HERE SIGN MY GUESTBOOK | ||
September 15
Another week has come and gone and
my tycooning time has been limited. I'm working on formulas
for the Plant Tycoon Magic plants, but find this to be a whole lot
trickier that Fish Tycoon!
I have a couple new screen shots I'll try to get up today,
if the day allows. :) Lately we just never know what each day
will bring. |
September 7
Talk about time flying! Two months!!!!!! WOW. After
finishing beta testing Virtual Villagers, I pulled out Plane Tycoon on my
Pocket PC and have been LOST in it ever since!!!! Half the fun of Fish Tycoon, for me, was figuring out the patterns for breeding the fish .. which was EASY compared to Plant Tycoons! WOW!!!!! If you loved the challange of Fish Tycoon, just wait till Plant Tycoon comes out!!!!! So far I only have "fast" formulas for two of the Magic Plants! I can make them all, given time, want want exact directions, as per my Fish Tycoon Page. Seems Plant Tycoon is alot more complicated, however, as two parents don't always create the same plant! WOW...... adding variables in sure makes it hard to set down an exact plan!!! I have literally thousands of screen shots of the game and here is my best to date:
That is Two Magics (for those who know the game you will know which ones they are) breed on one screen with only only plant from that screen having been sold! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it! In the scheme of the universe, I guess that picture really doesn't mean much, but to my little brain it's WONDERFUL! I had over 440 plants out of the 572 possible, when my Pocket PC went totally dead and I had to start over!!!!! YIKES!!! I'm back up to 428 now. If anyone is interested in a PT webpage, let me know. I plan on doing one .. but don't know how soon I'll get to it. I may wait till the windows version comes out (But I doubt it!) And in my next life ... I want to be a research scientist!!!!!!!
Oh.......... I've neglected that Fish Tycoon Leaderboard page, too! ....... But with the world playing Virtual Villagers, I don't think it's really missed! The Virtual Villagers board sure is a world of it's own! I knew that would be half the fun for folks! These games just invite friendship on a forum to share the fun!!!! WAY TO GO LDW!!! |
My how time flies when you are having fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As mentioned last entry, Virtual Villagers will soon be out, and I've been helping Beta Test it for the last few weeks. ........ My fishies are on PAUSE, while I wallow in another wonderful game from LDW Software! It looks like the Village will be released soon, and I encourage all of you who love Fish Tycoon and need a new challange, to take on the survival of these wonderful little Virtual Villagers! It's just tooo much fun, and quite a challange, too! And now ......... back to my game! :D |
JUNE 1 The top five
have moved around a bit, but it's still the same five. :)
I've been playing off and on ... just can't seem to stop completely!
:) But soooooooooooooooon Virtual Villagers will be out!
YES! A New game ... perhaps a new website! .....
But for now. Breed sell - breed sell --- breed sell !
MAY 11 I just gotta cut this out. I keep finding new ways to play with my fish ... and this page. I just redid my Leaderboard Stats Comparison page, and it now include the folk on the old board before it was revamped, as well as new board comparisons. It may not interest anyone but myself, but I kinda like watching folks juggle for position. :) Soooooo, check out the Learderboard Stats Comparison Page to see how the scores stood the last time I played with the page. :) | ||
MAY 8 I'm going to claim my little piece of "Fishie Fame" while I
can! :) I'm number 5 on the leaderboard, and that's probably
about as good as it gets. .......... Soooooooooooo While I'm there,
here's a pix!![]() What silly fun! |
MAY 5 Sometimes just when things are looking their gloomiest
.. .that's when the sun comes out! :D And the sun came out in
my Fishie world yesterday when Authur revamped the
eliminating the cheaters, and reordering ... first species found,
and the second by money earned. That created a whole new ball game
.. with new leaders, and I was popped up from 32nd to 7th!!! Just like
that! POOF!!!!!!!!
I had said on the board, as other have, that just going by money didn't really recognize the goal of the game. BREEDING FISH! :D .................. Today I've pumped myself up to number five ... I took a screen shot of it ... and ......... I doubt if I'll make it any higher, but 5th sure is good enough for me! And Kim has been playing sooooooooo long! It's so nice to see her in first place! I know the stats will change drastically .... and quickly ... as past top money makers realize they now need to breed fish, and do so. :) Once they get all the fish, they will POP back onto the leader board. :) It will be fun watching that happen! I was just in the process of building a "Leaderboard Stats" page when this happened. It's not finished yet, but it's HERE. I was going to analyze how quickly folks were advancing, and may still do that, but for now I'm just happy that there is a record of the old learders on the leaderboard! :D Most ALL of them were working really had to advance .. . or to just hold position! I'm AMAZED at the devotion folks have to the game! :D The page is messy right now .. but that doesn't really matter! I've added a few extra columns to the top yellow list ... There are double scores, about a week apart for each person, and you can see how they were advancing! :) The bottom white part is a spreadsheet that also include how much they had advance during that time. I was truly amazed, and wish I had watched the board longer! I have some earlier stats, and may put those in later if life allows. :) But for now ... at least the old leaders are listed there, so if anyone is interested they can keep an eye out for them to pop back up on the Leaderboard. MANY MANY THANKS .. to Authur and Barbara for the revamp! I LOVE IT! ................... and to those of you who suddenly found yourselves off the board ... GO BREED FISH! :D We'll see you back on it when you have your 441!!! I'm sure your place won't differ too much from what it was before. :) and.................. THE CHEATERS ARE GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D at least for right now! |
APRIL 29 Well, I made it on the
36th out of 50 right now. Not tooooooooooo bad. :) But I
don't know how long I'll keep trying. With the 'announcement' on the
forums today, my enthusiasm is falling. As I said on the forum
.. it's a shame some things have to happened just so someone can prove
their ability. :( I'm not going to go into it all
here, as it's already on the net enough. I'll only voice my
frustration. My grandkids love this game ... and look at the forums. I just wish it could stay devoted to proper game play .. but .. . freedom of speech. I do value that, too. :( Perhaps it time I put away the fish flakes for a while ..... I have had four wonderful months of fun with the game! MORE than my money's worth, for sure! :) And besides, I can go out and feed the fish in my fish pond now! :D Nice sunny day ... Goldfish out in my pond. What AM I doing in here, anyway! :) |
Whoa! Over a month since I've written!!!!!!!!!
In that time I've beaten the plants tycoon game a couple of times ..
(never did get a webpage up yet) and now I'm back to the fishies!
I really didn't think I'd get into the competitive aspect of the game ... trying to sell the most fish and earn the most money ........but off I went! Here is where I am right now SIXTH in the current playing statistics! COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! But of course now I just HAVE to get on the Leaderboard! The lowest score on the Leaderboard at the moment is
so I have a ways to go to get on the board. Now ..... If only I had started selling seriously in the beginning.... I'd be on the board already. Sigh! ...... One thing I do wish. I wish we could change our game names. I know I've started many a game with silly names... but to be on the Leaderboard I wanted to use 'my' name, so I had to start a new game. ... And it would be nice if we could tell who is who on the Leaderboard, of those who use the forums. Anyway, that's what I'm doing! I'm still out here playing and loving it, and the grandkids still have games going! :D And the pictures folks are posting of their REAL fish on the forum are just WONDERFUL! Makes me want to take my guinea pig out of his 55 gallon tank, and put FISH back in! :D |
March 24 LDW Software sure has my number when
it comes to brain games! Another day down with Plant Tycoons!
I'm at 330 plants found and two Magic Plants. I'm using
specific propagation patterns to try to cover all possibilities, but I
think it's time I start a spreadsheet to see what I'm dealing with.
I take very frequent screen shots, so should have a very good idea of what
all I've found so far. It's so cool finding a new "Seed" ........ and wondering and waiting to see if it will give a new variety of plant! I won't have as much time for the game today.... so I'd better get to it right now! :D |
March 23 I'm one
month away from home, now. First with my sister's fall, and then my
parents car accident. I'd be sooooooooo lost without 'my'
world on my laptop! It's so nice having all my emails
and webpages ... and FISH AND PLANT Tycoon games here with me! As I said last week, I decided to try Plant Tycoon on my Pocket PC, and I must say, I am totally surprised that it is everybit as addicting as Fish Tycoon! I LOVE IT! Being of a very short term compulsion type person, I was
surprised to see myself stay with the Fish Tycoon game for so long.
Now I can see that I will be doing the same with Plant Tycoon, until I
master it, too! And I imagine I'll have to put a webpage up for it,
And I just LOVE the Cacti!!!!! HOW COOL! I'm really gone off the deep end with this game, too!!! I was thinking that after mastering Fish Tycoon, Plant Tycoon might be pretty similar. OH HOW WRONG I WAS! If you think the space constraints on Fish Tycoon are bad with only three tanks .. in Plant Tycoon there is only room for FIFTEEN PLANTS at one time. YIKES! And each plant can only be breed one time!!!!!!!! The propagation is SOOO different! It really is a totally new type of logic used to figure it out! :D And I'm having a BALL! So far I only have one Magic Plant out of four, and 257 varieties of plants out of "I don't know how many". I've not read a word on the Plant Forum, yet. I don't do that until after I've beat a game, so as with Fish Tycoon, I'm figuring it all out on my own. That's where the fun is for me! Scientific genetic studies to figure out what is going one. :) It's a wonderful way to pass my extra time here at my mom's! And I just can't wait for the WINDOWS version of Plant Tycoon! I hope to have the game mastered by the time it comes out! Well, today is shopping day, so I must put down my watering can and get back to reality. :) |
March 16 -- Okay, I have lots of time on my hands
here at my mom's, so last night I bought Plant Tycoon!!! ......... I don't
know if I'll go as nuts with that one, but at least for now it's a new
challange. If anyone out there would like to see a
page on plant Tycoon, just let me know in the guestbook or by email.
It's not quite as "photogenic" as the fishies, but it looks like lots of
fun, and lots more "THINKING"! :)
March 13 -- Three weeks to the day since my sister fell, injuring her hip, and I stayed with her at the hospital a few days, then at her house. First day home, my parents were in a minor car accident ... but at 90 NO car accident is minor! My dad has two fractured legs and my mom is covering well from seatbelt contusions. I'm at their house, and today is the first day I've had time to open up my Fish Tank, and start a new short game! ......... | ||
MARCH 9 - Where did that five days go????
Blogging has taken a back seat to taking care of my parents after their accident. I haven't even feed a fish! :( But this site is getting lots of use, so I'm happy! |
MARCH 4 - I am home for a short, but still not having
time to play with my fishies. I've been helping my
sister at home ... came home with a chest congestion and was going to take
a day or two off when my mom and dad were in a car accident last night.
Neither what critically injured, thank God, but at 90 any injury is too
much, and my dad has one broken leg, and a broken knee cap on the other
leg. :( Mom only has seat belt brusing and they are watching
her for any internal complications. Soooooooooo, I'll be
hanging around at the hospital again. Pretty strange feeling when
you go in and the nurses go "weren't you just here?????" This is a Fishy page, but for a moment I'd like to change the tone, and ask some prayers be sent out for my family. Everyone is having such a hard time. Seems we've been in a Cyclone since last year when we lost Jamie. (See the link at the top of the page) BIG thank you for another donation for Fish Food! :) I've put up a page to acknowledge donations so that you can see that I'm not getting rich off of this. Profit is not my intention. Just keeping my fish here all I'm after. Well, I'm back to my sister and mom's town for the day ... or longer if my mom goes home from the hospital today.... but I'm taking my computer with me, and HOPEFULLY I can get online at their house, even if it has to be a dial up connection! :) |
MARCH 1 - I've still not been home to play with my fishies, but we DID make it through the rest of the month! Of course it was a short one. I'm thinking of taking off some of the graphics to cut down the size of the site and thereby reduce the bandwith usage, so if you want to see everything, look around now! :) | ||
FEB 25. I've been at the hospital with my sister. Came home and the bandwidth had killed the site. :( I've got a bit more.. hope I make it till the end of the month with it! Well see. :) I won't be here to monitor. I'm off to the hospital. I MISS MY FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm glad I have little ones on my Ipaq! :) | ||
FEB 21 - 22 really (late) I just added the paypal button above to this page. I had it in my two little blogs... and figured maybe I should move it up more to the front of the site, in hopes I can bring in a few dollars to keep the site going a while. I don't know how long Fish Tycoon will be popular, but I know it's new on the Windows version and TONS of folks love it as much as I do! And I've found it to be such a wonderful outlet for my love of web design! I
also started another blog today, but that was probably obvious from the
new blog notification at the top of the front page.
Well, I've been waiting up for news from the hospital
about my sister, who may have broken her hip this evening .. but it's
getting pretty late so I guess I'll get to bed, and shut down my quick
game...checking the time before I do, so I can pick it up again later.
Thanks to all who read this site and enjoy it. Fish folks are nice
FEB 20 Well, I was supposed to wake up to a tank of Fanned
Fish, and have my 441 fish complete, but, true to form I woke up to this
![]() I was thinking that now I could do all the fish ... doing 21 tanks with no fish being the same fish OR having the same fin, in each tank, but I don't know if my little brain is up to thinking that one out. :) I think I will do at least one tank that way, though. Of course the Perfect Fish tank is that way. Well, back to reality. 2pm..... GOT em!
--------------------- Okay. It's up. :) Page Complete. Now I'm off to work on that mixed up tank. |
One more tanks to go on the Tanks full of one type of fin
page. I just have the Fanned Fins lift to do. I would have had
them all done ... but for some reason I did the Canaries twice instead of
doing the fans. ....... Typical! :) Feb 19 I remember this.. it's called WINTER! WOW... we've not had much of it this year, but we've had it this weekend! I finally decided what is my very favorite fish, and put it's picture up on the "My Favorite Fish" page. (Logical spot ... surprising I found it). It really wasn't a hard decision... just one I had a hard time admitting on the website. I've been tweeking pages... my favorite pastime ... and
I put a front page up on This whole site is there,
but not accessible for now. I about have the Hornet tank redone, so
I can take a picture of it this time .. and I'm starting on the Canaries.
Only a few more to go!
Cody has a game going, and is raising Speckled
Goldsharks to raise money. Quite a find for a newbie! He's not
looked at any of my pages for hints ... but I 'have' told him which ones
NOT to breed so he doesn't have babies die. :)
Seems I accidentally deleted Jessie's game. BAD GRAMMA BOBBIE! .....
She's disappointed and doesn't want to start over this weekend. I
know she will later. Have you ever been so very careful
about NOT doing something... only to find you still did it?!?!?!
Feb 18 It's COLD out there tonight!
....... That's why I'm in here playing with fish! :) I've put
a couple more full tank shots up on the Full Tanks 2 page.
Orientals, Snubbed, Stubby, Razorbacks, and there SHOULD be Hornets, but I
guess I forgot to take the screen shot! DUH. I'll have to do
it again, and that means doing alot of retracing to get the Spotanus Shark
and Beta needed to do them. :( I was going to move this to a new domain... I bought the domain and even set this up on it, but I've ended up indexed so well with one, I chat to confuse things. There's a nice link to my pages on, too, and I wouldn't want to mess that one up. :( So I guess I'll leave it here. ... Bandwidth usage is down a bit since I took the link off my signatures in the Fish Tycoon Forum, but I'm still getting tons of hits. :) Maybe I can hold out with bandwidth for the month if I juggle a couple of my other domains around. I've got my fingers crossed, anyway. :) |
Feb 17 I get to turn back into "Gramma" instead of Fish
Fanatic this weekend ... But then.... the computer will probaby be taken
over by the kids wanting to play the game!!!!
So today I'm tapering off the game, and trying to find the kitchen. I figure first they will want to eat. After that I'll work on finding the living room. :) I KNOW they are here somewhere! :) |
Feb 16 I just updated my "Beginner" page with what I think is an
easier explanation. Sometime I go to far around the barn to get to
the next stall. :) Plus, I'm still learning! :D
I've been doing a lot of breeding of the first fish in a game. I
breed them until I know I 'could' get a game going ... then sell them and
start a new game and do the same thing again. It's kinda like
playing solitaire. :) And it's a good game
for me because I have to "WAIT" for them to grow up. :) That
means I can go do dishes, or was a load of cloths while still playing the
game. :) When I have too much money, and Growth Hormone
money, I tend to just sit and play and play and play!!!!!!
I have enjoyed SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much learning the game, and putting
this website up. BUT.. .I have noticed that traffic is down on
the LDW Forum. :( There are TONS of people on this
site, so I'm feeling guilty that I may have been part of the reason that
their board has not be active. :( .... They also stopped
anonymous posting. That could be part of it too. But I
know their board has a lot of readers, and folks who love the game.
If anyone reads this and feels I might be right on this, PLEASE let me
know! I would rather pull my website than mess up LDW Forum.
:( That was not my intention at all!
I never really expected to put up a site folks would sit on for
hours... But then I guess if I didn't have so much here, ya couldn't looks
so long.
1am. I updated some of my information this evening. Mostly info concerning Stickfish. I had not been given them enough credit for the good breeding they can do! But I'm finding the more I learn, the more I'm becoming satisfied that I'm familiar enough with the game to go on to something else. :( But I don't WANT to go on to anything else, yet. :( How could I
leave my Fishies?????????????? Who would take care of them????
CaraBeans22 wrote in the LDW forum this evening that she lost all her
fishies when her computer went down and it took two days to fix it.
Feb 13 I'm down to number 2!!! Archmage beat me
by an hour yesterday! HOW COOL!
And today I'm just blogging
over on the Hard Game blog. At first I went a VERY long time with no
Ick or Fungus at all! But the.... over night, one got ICK that took
8 bottle of meds to cure! YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And just
now one was born with ick. :( Looks like a long game
could get pretty ICKY!
Well, I don't have the time to run two blogs. Hummmmmmmmmmmm I don't have the time for one. ... but is sure is a good excuse for not vacuuming!!!!!!! (as if I need an excuse) 10pm I would up that "Hard" Difficulty Level game, and just the ick and fungus issues were a problem. Now I know. :) .... But it does detail a start up really well! Step by step till I had the research going. Of course this isn't a spectator game. It's much more fun just to get in there and mix up your own batches of fish! But I am having alot of fun documenting it. I am moving the location of the page, though. I have been using up all my bandwith on this domain, so I am moving the Fishy side to It will be up and running in a few days. It will be easier for me to control the bandwith on that one, I hope. I am amazed at how much bandwidth I am using, and in many countries I am getting hits from. It's wonder seeing folks from all over the world playing such a wonderful game. I'm going to have to try the Sim Village game, and see if it could possibly be as much fun was this one is! I still was to take another look at my breeding charts, and see what they would be like based on other fish. I know they way I do it is just the first way I came up with, and that there are MANY other ways to get the fish. But for now........
now there are new dirty dishes! Seems like everytime I was them,
someone else dirties them. Has anyone else notice that pattern? It's
something we really should put a stop to! Repetitive tasks like that
eat up so much time that could be better spent on the INTERNET!
Feb 12 Well, she started ANOTHER new page. DUHHHHHH!
:) This one is tracking a "Hard" game to see what
the difference is. I think I read it's in how fragile the fish are
and how sick they get.. but I'll see. :) Really, it's just an excuse to make a new page. I've stuck myself in a real Catch 22 situation. I love writing pages, and having one that is so popular is ... I must admit ... a nice ego booster. And I enjoy helping folks out. I've received some very positive feedback on the pages, and appreciate you all taking the time to write! .... I used to be a clown and made folks happy that way... I guess this is how I'm trying to do it now. Anyway... The page is popular, and I enjoy that. But the more popular it gets, the more likely it is I'll eat up all my bandwidth by the end of the month. :( And I have 9gig! It's becoming much too popular for a do it yourself page, and I can't afford to up my server expenses. ........... But ... I figure I can prune graphics down in sizel, if necessary, and condense the pages to at least keep them accessible most of the time. Trouble is, if it goes down, I can't work on it. I guess it's time I back it up on my computer.... so I don't lose it, and can work on it there too. Okay... off to do that. |
We just got home, and I checked the forum. Maybe I'll keep my
comments here where no one will have to read them.
![]() ![]() Hind sight is 20-20, and I'm
old enough to have pretty good vision by now in in that respect.
I do believe all the violence in video games and on TV and in movies has a
much greater impact on today's kids that younger folks realize.
Studies have even shown that to be true. But I'll keep my
opinions here where they belong, and just share my fishies knowledge on
the fishy board. Oh, by the way .. I got smilies!
Well, I've not even turned on a fish game today! I just gotta go
tell the little critters HI!
FEB 11 I just posted a LONG post on the board about
Cheating .. and defining it the way I understand it. I don't
think of my pages as being "Cheats" as much as "Helps" or "Spoilers".
They are a "Look at your won risk" type thing, because the game you spoil
will be your own. :( But if you need help with the game,
there's lots of that here. I need to say, however, that my was is
definitely not the only way to play the game! I'm sure there are
many more breeding patterns that would also work. But there's
only enough time in life to develope the one that works for me. :)
I'm happy with my four step breeding, and have no trouble gathering the
fish I need while researching the tanks. My game yesterday showed me
that it's the research that tanks the longest! I had enough
money long before I could start the second research, and could have made
the magics long before the research was finished. Just waiting for
the research took up about 8 hours of the game. Each one took 4 hours on
2X speed. ..... I also learned NOT to stop the game! I had to
start over when I stopped the program the first night and realized the
game clock kept going. It's "REAL TIME" .... as just like is says.
DUH!!! I started in the morning... and worked on the game till late in the evening to get the 14 hours in. I must admit that had it taken much longer.. I would have had to sleep through some of it, and waste some time! Fortunately, I was in a position yesterday where I could devote time to the game very frequently to feed, breed and sell. :) and of course you don't have to pay attention when fish are selling ... just go to the store. And of course I learned a bit more playing the game that way. I'll probably write a page on it when I have time. I guess the biggest thing I learned is to find that 'One Certain Fish' that sells for $100 in a level one tank and is very breedable, as long as you rotate the mom's out and breed the babies when they grow up. Money comes in quickly at $100 a fish, though I do breed others until I can come up with that one. (Since it's not been mentioned on the forum yet, that I have seen, what that fish is .. I'll hold back on it here. Gotta leave some problems unsolved. :) ) I wish my Niece's page wasn't down right now .... I write about it on the forum and it's not even there. :( But it will be back soon. For now...... I gotta do some 'real life' stuff today! :) |
FEB 10 One day... dusk till dawn. :) ........ Playing with fishes all the day long!
Certifiably NUTS!!!!!!!!! |
FEB 8 I've only done a bit of proofreading and editing on this page today. Some of my typos amaze me. And YES.. .I DO use a spell checker. ..... You'd think I'd notice that little squiggly line the first time around... or at least the second! :) | ||
FEB 7 Being one to go off manic at the drop of a hat, a
question on the forum was that catalyst for yet another page in this web,
today. I researched eggs, and what eggs are in what batch.
"Common", "Unusual" and "Rare", and I was rather surprised at the results.
I was also surprised that Rare eggs lived in my un-researched environment
tank. Go figure. They live long enough to at least breed once,
so could be used for raising money if cycled and replaced by the new ones.
It held true for all the tanks I bred today. Whether or not
it would happen every day... and in different games, I'm not sure. Also... I added a "Cheats" page. .... So many folks seem to want "Cheats". That is, of course, cheating! ... But I figured I'd cover the subject here since I'm hitting about everything else. Of course I had no cheat to offer, because I don't know of any. :) I just suggested the risky clock changing ... and restarting games if you don't get good fish to start with. And other basic suggestions for getting a game going easily. I can see where someone who is dealt a bad batch of eggs in the beginning could have a hard time getting a game going ... but in most cases I find that there "are" fish that will breed to raise money. I guess it's the 'time' thing that bothers most folks... and growth hormone can't help out until you have quite a bit of money ... but it's the nature of the game to 'wait'. .......... All good things are worth waiting for. :) But if you're sitting in the doctor's office with your palm and want to kill time .. this ISN'T the game! Cause then you'd be waiting for two things...the game AND the doctor! :) I also notice last night that I'm really eating up my bandwidth with this page. ...... that's cool .... except that it might shut me down by the end of the month. I've had webpages for years, but nothing this popular. LOTS of folks out there must love this game! :) And I'm glad if my pages can help out a bit. I have devoted a GREAT DEAL of time to the game. Probably much more time than most folks have time for, and if some of the things I've learned can help out, then I can rationalize that I haven't wasted my time quite as much as my hubby thinks I have! :) And besides, each of you who reads this is gonna wanna send me LOTS OF MONEY! So I'm gonna GET RICH! That way when hubby wins the lottery we both will be rich! :D I'll be watching the bandwidth on this page, so it doesn't eat up any from the rest of my pages ... and I'll see how far I can stretch it all and maybe it'll squeak through okay. :) Well, back to those fin/body tanks. That's what I was 'supposed' to be doing today! :) |
Feb 6 I was out of action, and on
the couch for a few days, but today I got back to the game and these pages
a bit. I think I'm about done with the Pocket PC pages for now, and
want to get back to the level one and level two tank experiments. I
have level one and level two tanks sets up, and I'm planning on doing the
same breeding in both setups, to see what works where. I think I
already have a pretty good handle on what can live in a level one and what
can't, but I've never pushed the limits to see exactly where the line is. I'm still working on the One Fin on All Fish, tanks, having only done about six so far. Today I mostly bred another tank of perfect fish, and took pictures of all of them for the Perfect Fish webpage, which I have redone with a new breeding chart. I really never realized that the two breeding charts I've had ... one for fish and one for fins, parallels a chart for perfect fish by combining both of them. DUH!!!!!!!!! There are a couple small differences, but basically the two charts are really the same. I've put a perfect chart up, with clickable pictures of the fish on it, that open pictures of the statistics screen for each fish. I really like it, but I'm tooooooo graphics nuts and that is what is eating up my bandwidth! I run my own server and can up myself to near a gig, but at the risk of cutting other domains that I have on my server short. Guess I'll find out how close I can cut it! :) I hope the site doesn't go down, but if it does, it'll be back with the bandwidth resets. Hummm I'd best keep a copy of this blog on my computer so I can keep going if the site goes down! :) There's alot of talk about "Cheats" on the forum right now. I really can't imagine cheating at a game like this! I do over indulge in Growth Hormone, but that's part of the game. And on my Pocket PC I've been known to flip the clock ahead when I've needed something do, and didn't want to sit and wait for babies. But to expect folks to give out actual cheats.. :( Tooooooo sad. Getting a tank going is half the fun! It can take alot of work and plotting to figure out which fish to breed and which to sell in the beginning, but it's all part of the fun. I know I wouldn't be near as proud of all my tanks of fish if I'd cheated to get them. Oh......... the ten games I'm running are running smoothly! YES! :) I can finally keep pretty tanks just to look at, and still start new games! Guess I'm a Fishaholic! :) Well, even fish have to sleep. Mine are... so I guess I will too! :) Night All! |
Feb 3 Not being one to stay on one
track very long, yesterday I started playing Fish Tycoons on my Pocket PC,
again. I had already played it once, and had all the magic fish and
perfect fish, but yesterday I started it over since I found the free
screen capture program! :D So now I'm playing a new game
and taking pictures, and will put up a webpage for the Pocket PC version,
too! So far I'm keeping the game in level one, and just seeing what
lives and what dies. I usually try not to let any fish die in a
game, but I'm sacrificing some for the sake of the scientific studies.
(YES... I AM NUTS! :) ) ...... So far all I have confirmed are things I already had figured out in the PC version ... but I've documented it a bit more with the pictures. My starter tank conclusions are still that you only cross breed betas, sharks, and spotanus, fruitfish and stickfish, and the latter two only if they are the same fins! ......... And fins work the same way, you can cross fins IF they are on the same type fish. .... Except for the betas, sharks, and spotanus ... and twinfins, greenfin and silky, I stay way from doing 'double crosses' of fins and fish. (Is everyone confused now?????????????? ) I, say, have a greenfin beta and a silky shark, I can cross them and get a orange fruitfish, which is a good starter seller. -- and make sure to cross both ways, so that you end up with two to breed. :) ...... Or cross a spotanus with a shark, and get a goldbulb .. most of which sell good! The twinfin silky cross being the best .. giving you a golden goldbulb. BUT... make sure you watch their health if you haven't done any research, and breed only the new fishies, selling the old ones before their health declines to much. ----------------------------After a day of playing with the Pocket PC, It's going strong in the first level with both advertising researches completed. I used mostly pink Fruitfish to get the money coming in for the second tank... bought more eggs and could do Leaffish and Goldbulbs ... and after a second batch (4 buys make a batch for me) came up with a second Greenfin Spotanus, started breeding those and was rich in no time! :) I've had lots of fish die, because I've been doing lots of random crossing to see who would die. It still seems safest to me if you stick to breeding only Fruitfish, Stickfish, Bananfish, Fatfish, Goldbulb and Leaffish of the same fin type. But you do have to keep an eye on their health and sell them before the yet too old. Sticks, Bananas and Fatfish never seem to bring good prices, while Fruitfish, Goldbulbs and Leaffish have good prices, but their health deteriorates after a few breedings. It's best to keep them cycling, selling off the older ones and breeding the newer ones. My Cowboys were broadcast live on the internet tonight, and that took me away from the game for a couple of hours, but I still kept feeding the little critters. :) |
Feb 2 Both or my game programs have run
smoothly for a day, so it seems to be something that works. :)
Now all I need is to remember to keep track of what I'm doing
in what game! ... And remember to feed them all! The the
promise of colder weather for next week, I'll get to keep playing at this
rate for a while! I've finished researching level two in one of my new tanks, so I now have the level two game and a level one game to experiment in. I also spent some time breeding from two starter fish, as suggested on the forum, and while you "can" cross a Twinfin Spotanus and a silky shark, and in the fourth breeding get a greenfin Beta, I wouldn't use that method of breeding to produce all of the fish. ....... But if you need a greenfin Beta, crossing the Twinfin Spot and a spined Stickfish might be the preferred way to get one, instead of waiting for eggs. :) A silky stick and a silky Spot would also produce a silky beta, with the same being true of twinfins, of course. |
Feb 1 Reality snuck in for a few days, and I was away from the game
... but I've been doing 'genetic chemical' studies on my Pocket PC even
when not at home. :) (How do you spell "OBSESSED"?) So far the chemical studies are giving me alot of patterns, and I'll post those soon, but there is nothing definate enough to be of use, except in rare occasions. Mostly I'd say it's just a "cross your fingers and see what you get" kinda thing, if you are looking for more species or magic fish. I've put up pictures of my nine Breeder fish on the Tank Blog page this morning, in response to a question on the FISH TYCOONS FORUM. I think I'll have some time to play today, and hope to get more done on this site and in the game. I've gottta get all this outta my system before spring gets here and I have to spend my free time cutting grass! :) (OH, I live in NW Indiana, and picked a pansy out of a blooming flower bed yesterday. I know it was a winter pansy .. but in JANUARY????????? In INDIANA???? It should have been frozen solid and under six inches of snow!!!!!!!!) AN HOUR LATER............ I'm STOKED!!!!!! :) I just started a whole new set of five games duplicating my first set, and giving me ten games to play! I just duplicated the program folder, and run each program runs it's own set of files! :) I'm not going to explain it any more than that, because I'm not recommending it for others. I'm pretty confident it won't hurt anything ... but not sure enough to encourage others to do it. :) BUT .......... Now I can set up new games at different levels and run more research! :) I want to research level one and level two tanks, and see what fish can live in what tanks. YES!!!!!!! I'M NUTS! (Nuts for Fish Tycoon, that is) I'll let you know if I end up regretting it! :) 5pm Well, after playing with the genetic chemical for THOUSANDS of dollars ... I think I'm going to give up on it for a while. While fun, I can find no definite rules for how it works. While there are patterns to what it does, nothing is predictable enough to make it worth the money to try to mutate something intentionally. I 'can' make a Canary Firearrow if I start with the right fish ... but it would be much cheaper just to breed one. And you'd have to do TWO two make money, so there isn't much profit to be made from it. As I said on the forum, Throwing some in a tank of fish just to see what happens and 'get lucky' seems to be the best use of it. :) If you have a bunch of fish with the wrong fins ... and you had the money to waste, there wouldn't be much to lose by trying it out! :) 1am okay, about $40,000 later... and still playing with the genetic chemical. hummmmmm.... Mostly it just leads me in circles. For instance a Pink Fatfish just turned fanned, then to a snout (making a fanned Snout, which is perfect, like the fatfish started) then to hornet - then tiger - to silky and back to tiger...staying a Snout during all of that. Another Pink Fatfish went to wasp, to canary, to orange then to a Snout...then Arrowfish and to canary. ........ Go figure. :) A Spined Stickfish went to Grouper to Stick to crimson, ... Then I tried three more fish, and out of 10 tires there were only three changes! Maybe the effect wears off or something. Anyway, now it's time to crank up the canary firearrows tomorrow, and make some more money! Currently I have five files running. One on my original game, and two new ones on the new game. Both in level one. I'll keep the one in one, and goto level two in the other. I also have a game running on my Pocket PC, and found a program to get screenshots from it! :) Here are a couple of progress through a perfect game. The fish sure look different on the Pocket PC ... and alot of them look 'better' ... or at least their names go with them better. ... Like the greenfin Beta.. it's fins are GREEN! :) And the Goldbulbs golden fin looks better. :) ... You know you are really WAYYYYYYYYY to overboard when you have to take your fishes with you when you go somewhere! ..... And boring the family while visiting because you have to feed your fish??? Well, what can I say. I was a clown for years, and haven't quit goofing around yet! Hey .......... It's tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!
Jan 26 And yet another new game going. This is the one I was going to blog starting, but when I repeated found two Greenfins Spotanus Magic fish in the very beginning of the game, I gave up and just bred them like mad to make lots of money and get the tanks going quickly. It only took 87 hours of game play to get this one going. I usually keep the games going on double speed, except at night. | ||
Another Game completed..... and now I have another set of tanks to play
in! :D
And it looks like I'm NUMBER ONE!!!!!!!! (For fish trashed, that is) :) I assume that's a 'percentage figure', and not an actual placement. The tank has all seven Magic Fish, plus my nine starter fish. |
Jan 25 I've dropped the blog on the tank start up page. For a
second time Two Twinfins Spotanus showed up when I started the game.
That's just toooooo easy to blog. BREED BREED BREED... So I'm just
taking advantage of it and setting the tank up to use for playing. I
want to do a game taking pictures the opposite of the ones I have on the
front page. One type of fin on all types of fish. Then
I'll just use my third tank to set up some pretty 'look at' tanks to use
for screen savers. Once I've breed all the fish, and done both types of pictures, I guess there won't be much else to do with the game... Just keep some fish and have some pets. But then spring and summer will be here and I won't have time for it anyway. The website now has six pages. I split the chart page into a breeding chart page and a formulas page. There is something very satisfying in getting everything down where I can see it. I've always not only wanted to be able to do something, but also to understand all the hows and whys of doing it. Knowing the formulas and how to created the fish is very satisfying for me. I don't know if this page will ever be of much interest to anyone. Doing the game yourself is the fun part... as it has been for me. I did not look at the Forums board until after I had found the magic fish in my fist game, and found over 280 fish. I thought the fun would end there ... but it didn't. Collecting the 'full sets' is very interesting too! And for now ...... back to breeding and feeding! |
Jan 22 I've added a chart page today. It shows how I cross
breed from the starting 9 fish and can get any fish in four breedings.
I know there are MANY ways to breed each fish, but I'm hoping that
sticking to this pattern will allow me to get all of the fish before I
burn out on the game. :) I also started a new tank and a blog on how to set up a tank, but the tank turned out way to easy .. with two Greenfin Spotanus in it .. which I can sell for $75 each ... and it just takes all the work and fun out of the game, so I've started it over again. I currently have four games running. My first game .. which now has the 21 Perfect Fish in one tank. I think I'm going to hang onto that one for a while, and just keep the game paused. My second game is the one I'm working to get all the fish in. I'm doing each body type with all types of fins ... and going through the 21 types of fish. The third tank is still in setup stage. I have the second tank and am about to purchase the third water research, so it's almost set up. When it's done I want to reverse my breeding as sfrose suggest, and do each fin with all body types. i.e. a arrowfish with all 21 fins. The fourth thank is the new one I just dumped and am starting over tonight. The fifth game is my grand daughters. :) Well.. back to the fish! |
Jan 22 ... by five minutes. (or late the 21st) I got off track breeding the Goldbulbs, and bred a tank of "Perfect Fish" instead. I had never really looking into what made a perfect fish perfect, but when it was talked about on the forum, it all became instantly clear, and I had all of the fish already except for four of them. Soooooo I raised a whole tank of them to get those four, and to get a picture of a tank full of Perfects! :) What a wonderfully fun waste of time! Now I'm back to my Goldbulbs, and a new tank I'm starting. I'm also going to detail how I am starting that tank here ... mostly so I remember in the future! I lose things very quickly these days! :) ... Perhaps the details will end up as a page of their own, on 'how I set up my tanks'. Actually it looks like I've been working on that tank setup for two days. It say I've played it 54 hours. So far all I have towards the nine fish I need to get thing going, are a Greenfin and Twinfin AND silky sharks, and a Greenfin spotanus. When I get a greenfin spotanus early on in a game, it helps with earning money IMMENSELY since it makes the mom's have two babies instead of one, and doubles profits. :) Thinking about it now, I HAVE been playing this game a few days, as I remember now buying LOTS of eggs ... but not getting anything else that I need. I started out breeding greenfin goldbulbs and orange fruitfish, and buying eggs hoping for another greenfin spotanus, but gave up and bought a second tank instead of more eggs... and am now just pulling in money to get the research going. Right now I have 1133, so I guess it's time to get the research started. I like to run it overnight, so when I get up the next morning it's done. I don't really find a huge benefit from the first environment research. It takes the third level to really make the tanks work. I go for those first, so I can start breeding canary firearrows. Once that's achieve then it's just a matter of buying eggs while breeding for money, buying the rest of the supplies and building up a nestegg for growth hormone later. Tank space is short, so I don't breed for money and to find species at the same time. I do one or the other. Oh, I also had to buy the aeration system this game. Sometimes I can get away without it till later, but I found that my greenfin goldbulbs lost health without it, and I couldn't breed them repeatedly without a bit better water. And while I'm thinking of it, I don't buy the plant of fertility anymore! It helps earn money, but when I'm breeding to make certain fish, multiple births only fill the tank up too quickly. I'd rather just have a greenfin spotanus .. .which give one extra baby each time, and when I'm breeding for species I take it out of the breeding tank so I only get one baby from each mom. That way I can get ten different babies in each tank. I just bought the first environment research and the first food research, and am selling off extra babies. I'll keep enough babies to breed two full tanks over night, and also by three batches of eggs in hopes of getting more of my nine starters. Have I said what they are here???? A Greenfin, Twinfin and Silky of sharks, betas and spotanus. I'll just sell off any other that I get. Oh, I also have to get back to my goldbulbs in a different game. Right now I'm breeding the last one ... a tiger, and with a little help from the growth hormone I can get him tonight, get a picture of the tank and add it to the webpage. Then tomorrow .... perhaps a tank of Carp! That should be fun! :D WOW... after selling the fish, I was rich! :D Back up to over $1000, so I bought the advertising research, the plant of nutrition, and the snail... just cause he's cute. :) Now three sets of eggs, and I'll have just enough left for meds in the morning. Seems someone is always sick and need the med that I don't have! 15 little new little fish ... and time for bed. We'll see what develops in the morning! :D
Jan 21 I just added a screen shot of the 21 Bananafish. sfrose told me on the forum that 21 DO fit in the sales tank. COOL! :) ....... Now I'm off to breed Goldbulbs. I can only wonder what type of "Fishy Jam" I will run into as I get to the third and fourth generations and still try to keep the earlier generations that I need for cross breeding. sfrose also suggested pictures each body type with a fin type. I guess that should be the "Perfect Fish" that I haven't figured out for myself yet, so I'll go with the ones sfrose suggested and put a shot of the flagged Bananafish up. ... Then I'll have to go back and see if I have old pictures for the first few body types. Hummmmmm......... I started out taking screen shots of the "Species info" on each fish, but have stopped doing that. I may end up regretting it. :( Well, for now, I'm off to breed Goldbulbs and get that other tank going. I have three tanks in the other game now, and they all should be chocked full of babies by now. Time to get the first water research going! :D |
After breeding many MANY tanks of fish, and selling them all, I decided I wanted to find a way to keep some of my favorite tanks of fish. Taking pictures of them, and putting them on here will make the accessible not only to myself, but to other Fish Tycooners as well! :) While I know we are all basically breeding the same fish, every tank is different and alot of our tactics are different too. So.......... for what it's worth, this is how I breed mine! :) Currently, I start out only buying the aeration system for a new tank, and sticking with fish that can live in that water. I only cross breed one time, avoiding any double crossbreeding which weakens the little fishes systems. From the starting fish, I try to raise babies that sell for around $20.... an orange fruitfish, or an orange or golden goldbulb, or ideally, greenfin spotanus! While buying eggs to collect what I consider to be the nine 'starter fish', I also try to raise and sell enough fish to buy a second tank. Once the second tank is purchased, money is MUCH easier to raise! :) The nine fish I look for are a Spotanus, Beta and Shark, each with a Greenfin, Twinfin, and Silky fin. From those nine all other fish can be bred in three or four generations. I buy eggs, and sell fish till I have all nine fish and complete all research. After finishing all research, I then breed the Seven Magic Fish. From then on I specialize in breeding the Canary Firearrow and selling it for $450 -$475, depending on how patient I am. I breed firearrow until I have about $40,000 and then start cross breeding to find the rest of the fish. Being very short on time, I use LOTS of the growth hormone, which is where the $40,000 come in handy! :) I think I'm on about my fifth game. I've started over a couple times in an attempt to get a game going without having any fish die. My first game 54 fish died...and I just had to see if I could do better than that! Currently I have one game paused, with three tanks I just like to watch. :) And one game where I'm working to find the 440 some fish .. and one that I'm just starting and establishing the tanks and breeding stock. And I'm finding it all to be such a wonderful diversion from reality! While it requires thinking, it's a very relaxing and enjoyable thinking that I enjoy immensely! At the monent, I'm raising eggs and orange fruitfish in my newest game, and breeding bananafish with all fin variations in the other, and working on the webpage while waiting for new babies. :) But, at the moment it is 2:30am!!!!!!! PERHAPS I should get to bed! |