OLD BOARD Before May 5, 06 == UNDER THIS
LIST DROPPED when 7 Magics and 441 species requirement was added to the Leaderboard. PURPLE - BACK after finding 441!!! |
NEW BOARD PURPLE - BACK after finding 441!!! BLUE = increased score BOLD BLUE = increase in score no placement loss BOLD GREEN = increase in score and placement # breaking another million!!! # breaking 10 million |
NAME RED = Brand new to the board NAME RED = recently new to the board Black "same" = no score change this time gray = no change ever *** = Jumped onto board ^= has moved up on board future drop off point |
May 12 highest | Money Earned | May 21 | MAY 31 | |||||||||
1 |
kim 1 | 11143458 | kim 1 | 11143458 | kim 1 | 13306608 | ||||||
2 |
Christopher 2 | 9039935 | ^Kss2 3 | 9342242 | ^Kss2 2 | 10275617 | ||||||
3 |
^Kss2 3 | 7903942 | Christopher 2 | 9039935 | Christopher 2 | 9058735 | ||||||
4 |
shaz 3 | 6535033 | ^GrammaBobbie 4 | 7034009 | ^GrammaBobbie 4 | 7388423 | ||||||
5 |
^GrammaBobbie 4 | 6375206 | shaz 3 | 6535033 | shaz 3 | 6535033 | ||||||
6 |
Wes 5 | 5465618 | Wes 5 | 5465618 | rc 6 | 6250983 | ||||||
7 |
Kimberli same 6 | 4905789 | rc 7 | 5359022 | Count me in! 7 | 5930900 | ||||||
8 |
Meredith same 8 | 4800850 | Count me in! 8 | 5198450 | Wes 5 | 5913232 | ||||||
9 |
Count me in! 9 | 4534875 | Meredith 8 | 4937625 | Meredith 8 | 4937625 | ||||||
10 |
rc 11 | 4289421 | Kimberli same 6 | 4905789 | Kimberli same 6 | 4905789 | ||||||
11 |
bubi 10 | 4255508 | bubi 10 | 4255508 | ^Josh 12 | 4402680 | ||||||
12 |
^Josh 12 | 3257455 | ^Josh 12 | 3959030 | bubi 10 | 4255508 | ||||||
13 |
Luis same 12 | 3089103 | Cat | 3686619 | ***^Michelle2 14 | 4189367 | ||||||
14 |
Joe same 12 | 2808750 | ***^Michelle2 14 | 3335587 | ***Cat 13 | 3874360 | ||||||
15 |
Uno same 14 | 2535789 | Luis same 12 | 3089103 | Luis same 12 | 3089103 | ||||||
16 |
***paula same 17 | 2200224 | Joe same 12 | 2808750 | Joe same 12 | 2808750 | ||||||
17 |
***^Michelle2 19 | 2138263 | Uno same 14 | 2535789 | ^RESEARCH 17 | 2701850 | ||||||
18 |
Beth same 16 | 2075435 | ***paula 17 | 2445106 | Uno same 14 | 2535789 | ||||||
19 |
Redneeckgirl same 18 | 2009170 | david 19 | 2259005 | ***paula 17 | 2445106 | ||||||
20 |
^RESEARCH 21 | 1658745 | Beth same 16 | 2075435 | ^Timothy 23 | 2392169 | ||||||
21 |
sandy same 18 | 1633310 | ^RESEARCH | 2048850 | david 19 | 2259005 | ||||||
22 |
***Dipwad same 20 | 1547379 | Redneeckgirl same 18 | 2009170 | kim 27 | 2222935 | ||||||
23 |
^Timothy 23 | 1537017 | ^Timothy 23 | 1920361 | Beth same 16 | 2075435 | ||||||
24 |
deelynn same 21 | 1497948 | sandy same 18 | 1633310 | Redneeckgirl same 18 | 2009170 | ||||||
25 |
david same 19 | 1464741 | ***Dipwad same 20 | 1547379 | PAF | 1944442 | ||||||
26 |
***trisa 29 | 1427121 | ***trisa 26 | 1545871 | Toni | 1908796 | ||||||
27 |
Bill2 same 21 | 1381764 | kim 27 | 1525955 | keeping track 32 | 1851023 | ||||||
28 |
Joe 32 | 1319651 | deelynn same 21 | 1497948 | ***trisa 26 | 1760096 | ||||||
29 |
Lisbeth 28 | 1290342 | Lisbeth 28 | 1476366 | ***alya 29 o4 2oo6 | 1687148 | ||||||
30 |
Karen same 22 | 1248055 | Joe 30 | 1413874 | sandy same 18 | 1647685 | ||||||
31 |
***just me same 28 | 1189140 | Bill2 same 21 | 1381764 | ***Dipwad same 20 | 1547379 | ||||||
32 |
kim 33 | 1170305 | keeping track 32 | 1377923 | Joe 30 | 1516024 | ||||||
33 |
Michelle same 24 | 1102354 | Karen same 22 | 1248055 | tabur | 1515534 | ||||||
34 |
B same 27 | 1010335 | ***just me same 28 | 1189140 | deelynn same 21 | 1497948 | ||||||
35 |
Fishy same 28 | 985755 | alya 29 o4 2oo6 | 1118196 | Lisbeth 28 | 1476366 | ||||||
36 |
kim same 32 | 919353 | Michelle same 24 | 1102354 | Bill2 same 21 | 1381764 | ||||||
37 |
keeping track 37 | 890573 | ^Jack 37 | 1063955 | ^Jack 37 | 1283435 | ||||||
38 |
***second 39 | 881366 | B same 27 | 1010335 | Karen same 22 | 1248055 | ||||||
39 |
5 same 30 | 864523 | Fishy same 28 | 985755 | Nana | 1224363 | ||||||
40 |
^Jack 39 | 854741 | khlow 40 | 923597 | ***ise 40 | 1206074 | ||||||
41 |
Freckles 33 | 841632 | kim same 32 | 919353 | ***just me same 28 | 1189140 | ||||||
42 |
tammy same 31 | 739431 | ***second 39 | 881366 | nosh | 1174913 | ||||||
43 |
Wal same 34 | 707096 | 5 same 30 | 864523 | Michelle 24 | 1148004 | ||||||
44 |
***Rob same 42 | 689021 | Freckles 33 | 841632 | khlow 40 | 1128209 | ||||||
45 |
khlow 40 | 684647 | ise | 772474 | Freckles 33 | 1048632 | ||||||
46 |
Rhonni 46 | 668509 | tammy same 31 | 739431 | B same 27 | 1010335 | ||||||
47 |
george same 36 | 608336 | Wal same 34 | 707096 | Kelly | 1001056 | ||||||
48 |
seronja prvi same 37 | 600867 | ***Rosie 48 | 706397 | Fishy same 28 | 985755 | ||||||
49 |
***Rosie 49 | 511972 | Diane | 704143 | Laura | 933047 | ||||||
50 | isabel same 41 | 549336 | DEC 23 2005 | 695273 | kim same 32 | 919353 | ||||||
***Sylvester same 47 | 548725 | |||||||||||
hh | |||||||||||
as of |
MAY 1 | Money Earned | SPECIES |
May 05 |
Money Earned |
May 10 |
Money Earned |
May 12 highest | Money Earned | |||
1 |
new bogus score | 1000000062 | 182 |
kim |
11143458 |
kim |
11143458 |
kim 1 | 11143458 | |||
2 |
Lilly | 23055932 | 247 |
Christopher |
8958275 |
Christopher |
8992950 |
Christopher 2 | 9039935 | |||
3 |
sk | 19358621 | 290 |
shaz |
5588358 |
^Kss2 |
6614317 |
^Kss2 3 | 7903942 | |||
4 |
Sunshine | 18818608 | 391 |
Kss2 |
5051092 |
shaz |
6354058 |
shaz 3 | 6535033 | |||
5 |
lizzzzzzzzzzzzzzz | 17339665 | 208 |
Wes |
5049330 |
^GrammaBobbie |
6021331 |
^GrammaBobbie 4 | 6375206 | |||
6 |
Kuri | 16780496 | 426 |
Kimberli |
4854489 |
Wes |
5359918 |
Wes 5 | 5465618 | |||
7 |
Angela | 12423911 | 269 |
GrammaBobbie |
4720689 |
Kimberli |
4905789 |
Kimberli same 6 | 4905789 | |||
8 |
kim | 11143458 | 441 |
Meredith |
4589380 |
Meredith |
4800850 |
Meredith same 8 | 4800850 | |||
9 |
Noelle | 10598340 | 416 |
Count me in! |
4127325 |
Count me in! |
4263650 |
Count me in! 9 | 4534875 | |||
10 |
Sandy | 10459485 | 143 |
bubi |
3788583 |
bubi |
4192808 |
rc 11 | 4289421 | |||
11 |
jax | 10287004 | 157 |
rc |
3185975 |
rc |
3637230 |
bubi 10 | 4255508 | |||
12 |
maxx | 9879544 | 305 |
Luis |
3089103 |
Luis same |
3089103 |
^Josh 12 | 3257455 | |||
13 |
jeanie | 9525783 | 214 |
Joe |
2808750 |
^Josh |
3023755 |
Luis same 12 | 3089103 | |||
14 |
tadpole | 9336362 | 315 |
Uno |
2535789 |
Joe same |
2808750 |
Joe same 12 | 2808750 | |||
15 |
Christopher | 8842375 | 441 |
Josh |
2334055 |
Uno same |
2535789 |
Uno same 14 | 2535789 | |||
16 |
colt | 8248656 | 410 |
Beth |
2075435 |
Beth same |
2075435 |
***paula same 17 | 2200224 | |||
17 |
donna | 7434086 | 439 |
Redneeckgirl |
2009170 |
paula |
2074573 |
***^Michelle2 19 | 2138263 | |||
18 |
J-PIG | 7111215 | 304 |
sandy |
1633310 |
Redneeckgirl same |
2009170 |
Beth same 16 | 2075435 | |||
19 |
Beavis | 6825051 | 128 |
david |
1464741 |
sandy same |
1633310 |
Redneeckgirl same 18 | 2009170 | |||
20 |
Beverly | 6823503 | 274 |
deelynn |
1456514 |
Dipwad |
1547379 |
^RESEARCH 21 | 1658745 | |||
21 |
dad | 6580040 | 154 |
Bill2 |
1381764 |
deelynn |
1497948 |
sandy same 18 | 1633310 | |||
22 |
Wes | 6335499 | 317 |
Karen |
1248055 |
david same |
1464741 |
***Dipwad same 20 | 1547379 | |||
23 |
meme | 6042564 | 278 |
Timothy |
1138929 |
1413145 |
^Timothy 23 | 1537017 | |||
24 |
shaz | 5310008 | 441 |
Michelle |
1102354 |
Bill2 same |
1381764 |
deelynn same 21 | 1497948 | |||
25 |
hjf | 4907130 | 362 |
Lisbeth |
1071878 |
Timothy |
1315857 |
david same 19 | 1464741 | |||
26 |
Russ | 4801138 | 256 |
1029145 |
Michelle2 |
1270380 |
***trisa 29 | 1427121 | |||
27 |
Wes | 4786998 | 441 |
B |
1010335 |
Karen same |
1248055 |
Bill2 same 21 | 1381764 | |||
28 |
Kimberli | 4782764 | 441 |
Fishy |
985755 |
just me |
1189140 |
Joe 32 | 1319651 | |||
29 |
Meredith | 4589380 | 441 |
kim |
919353 |
Lisbeth |
1184934 |
Lisbeth 28 | 1290342 | |||
30 |
GrammaBobbie | 4253699 | 441 |
5 |
864523 |
Michelle same |
1102354 |
Karen same 22 | 1248055 | |||
31 |
ELLIE | 4244530 | 309 |
tammy |
739431 |
B same |
1010335 |
***just me same 28 | 1189140 | |||
32 |
Barb | 4141897 | 419 |
kim |
730300 |
Fishy same |
985755 |
kim 33 | 1170305 | |||
33 |
Kss2 | 4021292 | 441 |
Freckles |
710370 |
^Joe |
980368 |
Michelle same 24 | 1102354 | |||
34 |
NORA | 4000520 | 295 |
Wal |
707096 |
kim |
978385 |
B same 27 | 1010335 | |||
35 |
Clayton | 3799870 | 380 |
keeping track |
627877 |
kim same |
919353 |
Fishy same 28 | 985755 | |||
36 |
Count me in! | 3789501 | 441 |
george |
608336 |
5 same |
864523 |
kim same 32 | 919353 | |||
37 |
Miranda Lee | 3717639 | 253 |
seronja prvi |
600867 |
Freckles |
787032 |
keeping track 37 | 890573 | |||
38 |
Dad | 3626128 | 291 |
Joe |
595165 |
keeping track |
768862 |
***second 39 | 881366 | |||
39 |
jonty | 3611099 | 153 |
Jack |
581453 |
tammy same |
739431 |
5 same 30 | 864523 | |||
40 |
VARGA | 3606910 | 249 |
khlow |
550835 |
Wal same |
707096 |
^Jack 39 | 854741 | |||
41 |
py | 3411228 | 93 |
isabel |
549336 |
Jack |
689777 |
Freckles 33 | 841632 | |||
42 |
bubi | 3396233 | 441 |
Karen2 |
499188 |
Rob |
689021 |
tammy same 31 | 739431 | |||
43 |
herbert | 3360555 | 371 |
Liam |
468081 |
khlow |
637211 |
Wal same 34 | 707096 | |||
44 |
Dan | 3351013 | 187 |
Erik the Blue |
459701 |
george same |
608336 |
***Rob same 42 | 689021 | |||
45 |
cheri | 3342459 | 440 |
Starlight |
448627 |
seronja prvi same |
600867 |
khlow 40 | 684647 | |||
46 |
jean | 3325077 | 305 |
Manda |
403856 |
isabel same |
549336 |
Rhonni 46 | 668509 | |||
47 |
foxfire | 3294683 | 206 |
Frankie |
380106 |
Sylvester |
548725 |
george same 36 | 608336 | |||
48 |
mike | 3212535 | 200 |
Jen |
369604 |
Karen2 same |
499188 |
seronja prvi same 37 | 600867 | |||
49 |
me | 3182910 | 321 |
Apa |
342633 |
Rosie |
477597 |
***Rosie 49 | 511972 | |||
50 |
Luis | 3089103 | 441 |
Sharkat |
337911 |
Liam same |
468081 |
isabel same 41 | 549336 | |||
***Sylvester same 47 | 548725 | |||||||||||
GrammaBobbie here......... Okay, this page is rather strange, and I'm not even sure why I am doing it, except that I like to analysis things, and until Plant Tycoon or Village Sim comes out for Windows, I need a diversion. :) Life is hectic and stressful, and my Fish Tycoon playing, and web work is my way of relaxing. I've been playing since the beginning of the year, when I bought the game for myself for my Birthday. I've met about all of the challanges that I can find in the game, so now just watching what everyone else is doing, as well as "Tycooning for money" is filling my empty minutes during the day. I play on my laptop, and it travels with me just about wherever I go. If anyone else would like to let us know who they are on the Forum, or how long you've been playing, or any other information, I'd be glad to add it here. :) Send the text you would like up in an email to me HERE Or just email comments on the website. I always love hearing from other Fishie Folks! |