Pay It Forward For Jamie 


If you look carefully, all 21 fish are in the tank above.  Catching all of them in a picture at one time is pretty tricky!  Can you find them all???

Below are individual pictures of each of the 21 Perfect Fish.   They illustrate each of the 21 body types and 21 fin types that are used in Fish Tycoon to create over 400 different fish!     And then a BREEDING CHART

Below that are 21 pictures of their 'family trees'.   All fish in Fish Tycoon can be breed in a variety of ways, but the 21 perfect fish, when breed with themselves, will produce only other perfect fish. (that section is not up yet)

Thanks to sfrose and the Fish Tycoon Forum for the idea to do this page!




It took me a while to notice that my other two breeding charts do not line up correctly to produce prefect fish, so I have revised and combined the two into a Perfect Fish Chart.  This Chart also breaks down to either just Bodies or just Fins, to use it for cross breeding, too.

 *'s indicate breeding batch.  * = first batch,  ** = second, ***=third, ****= fourth  and mother indicated

The three fish/fins below are pure breed, and will make healthy babies 1. to create healthiest babies cross as below.
first generation x first =
  2. Next cross the ones in pink back to the first generation in yellow, as per the chart below
  result of pink row x GREENFIN Beta
result from pink row x TWINFIN Spotanus
result from pink row x SILKY Shark
Greenfin Beta
Greenfin  x Twinfins= *Flagged Bananafish
  **Greatsail Pigmy
mom is beta/greenfin
Mom is Banana/flagged
***Oriental Flashfish
mom is Bananafish/flagged
Silky Shark
Silky x  Greenfin= *Orange Fruitfish
mom is Fruitfish/orange
***Speckled Fruitfish
Moms is Fruitfish/Orange
***Pink Fatfish
mom is Silky/Shark
Twinfin Spotanus
Twinfin x  Silky= *Golden Goldbulb
  **Stubby Grouper
mom is goldbulb/golden
**Raxorback- Carp
mom is Spotanus/twinfin
**Snubbed Snooper
mom is shark/silky
(It takes two breeding to get all the blue fins, so I make sure I do the ** first, so I can use the result in the next batch to get the fish in turquoise, and also finishing up the blue fins in that breeding. )                                                        3. Cross the ones in blue back to the first generation in yellow, as per the chart below
        result in blue x SILKY
  Stubby Grouper
    ***Wasp Goldshark
mom is Grouper/stubby
  Razorback Carp
    ***Canary Firearrow
mom is Carp/razorback
  Snubbed  Snooper
    ***Hornet Arrowfish
mom is Snooper/snubbed
                                                                 4. Cross the ones in turquoise back to the first generation in yellow as per chart
fourth fround     fin in turquoise  x  TWINFIN
fin in turquoise x SILKY
  Canary Firearrow
    ****Fanned Snout
  Hornet Arrowfish
  ****Crimson Comet
****Tiger Catfat